ALMI Stonecutter

Almi Stonecutter

ALMI, ever since its incorporation in 1946, has used tomorrow’s technology to provide its customers the best possible service. ALMI’s production is efficient, rapid – and always results in high-quality products. For example, ALMI is continually introducing innovations in the automation of the production process to ensure that high quality remains the norm. Moreover, the control of the process is assured by the company’s ISO 9001:2008 certification.

ALMI is always in the vanguard – as is demonstrated, for example, by the installation of ALMI’s first machining centres capable of unmanned overnight production (on a 24/7 basis) at the beginning of the nineteen-nineties.

ALMI’s experience with welding robots acquired since the end of the nineteen-seventies enabled ALMI to become the first company, in 2008, to install a robotised welding cell, comprised of a handling robot and welding robots. These welding cells are able to carry out the welding on batches from 1 machine upwards – and adjustment times have become history. Moreover, the welding robots contribute to the achievement of a consistent high quality.

ALMI’s rapid and simple assembly processes are supported by a Kan Ban-system that is in direct contact with the company’s suppliers.

ALMI purchased the pipe-laser technology immediately after it became available on the market, as a result of which ALMI has acquired a wealth of experience in cutting and grinding pipes – and is now in the vanguard by virtue of the company’s proposals for innovative product changes that frequently result in economical, high-quality production, all to the benefit of ALMI’s customers.

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